
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Apartment Compartments

OK, friends - its been forever since I posted to this blog, but I hope to get better about it! The road to hell is paved with intentions to write one's blog regularly, too, I guess...Various topics I will be covering soon (and this is to remind myself, as well) are: outgoing mail, women + pants = sin, silly Yelp reviews (this city runs on Yelp), Peanut's dog issues, nice deli men, cars honking horns, Peanut's toy travels, temps, and getting around for the directionally challenged.
ALSO - my settings are fixed so you don't have to belong to Blogger or Google to comment! Yay! I am still new to this...

Having moved from a 1,500 sf house to a 400 sf apt hasn't been easy (I know - wah-wah-wah!), even though we REALLY did our best to fling more than half of our FL stuff to the wind. It took until last weekend to really arrange this place so it was liveable for 1 dog, 2 people, and 3 cats.

We had our bed upstairs initially because it was so hot when we moved in, and the window unit was there...but its cooling down, and we had no living room, because our subterranean level was too crowded with junk to imagine hanging with anyone else down here. Now our bedroom and kitchen are downstairs, and the bath and living room are up. Now, some pics!

This is our closest corner - Washington and Bergen, in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn. It looks a little rough, but it's undergoing improvement. Every block is different!

Just in front of our building. When you turn the corner, here you are!
This is the living room/office facing the door to the hallway - we're on the 1st floor, and just a left out the door gets us out of the building! Poang!
Here, we are approaching the bathroom - door on the left. I would say front door - but its the only door out upstairs. Closet to the right, bath straight ahead.
Bathroom - exciting, I know. The black and green boxes are plastic storage bins that open by flipping open from the top. We had no storage before we got these at Ikea, the apartment dweller's friend!
The upstairs door opens conveniently onto the narrow stairs...this is the first set of stairs before the right turn. Storage space for DVDs!
The second part of the stairs down to the bedroom
Cozy! This takes up the whole space, but we both have room to get out, and I love the window sills behind us!

All pets on the bed!
Essential wire shelf and COFFEE CENTER in narrow hallway between the kitchen and the bed!

Josh cooking breakfast for dinner in the kitchen. It takes 10+ minutes to get hot water to come out of the kitchen faucet = worst thing about this apartment.
Photo of the living room, facing the two windows. It gets good natural light during the day.
See, we do have room to unfold the futon! Who's coming to visit first?!


  1. I love it!!!!!!!!!!! You are awesome! LOVE!

  2. Love the pictures! Your place looks so cozy and cute.


Thanks for reading my blog! Come back again soon!!